Monday, 21 July 2014

Egg Tomato Sauce

Looking for a quick and healthy meal to make up for the time you spent chatting with your loved ones? Try this simple Egg and Tomato sauce and share your experience with us. We all know the tomato and its beautiful nature. It is one of the most used vegetables in our everyday meals (... actually, na me chop this sauce with boiled rice first). It is one of the cheapest recipes I have ever made. 
My ingredients were so relaxed, fresh and willing to be part of the mix. I sliced the two tomatoes into four parts each, getting 8 quartered sections. The garlic did not feel much pain this time...because I squashed it with the base of my Palm. The two eggs involved were the first to ask me, "Itagokwaife?” ..Funny eggs abi? Between the eggs and the spring onions, there was a little misunderstanding, which was my fault. That was why I had to fry the eggs first and set them aside. Salt, red pepper, garlic, celery were up to the task, ready to go. 
If you have eaten or tasted raw tomatoes before, u would agree with me that they are very friendly when it comes to relating with our taste buds. All the ingredients went, one after the other, into my wok  as agreed, allowing the spring onions to step in as a witness at the end. Last of all, I added half a cup water to this simple and easy recipe (... did you hear that water does not really have any enemy?).  After adding a pinch of my kitchen sauce, I stirred for another five minutes and chopped tite. #itagokwaife?

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