Lovely names i must confess.i was a bit worried when they came because i did not have Amala and Ewedu on that day.
According by Ileke he did not come to eat ,he only brought his ladies to meet with Chef Valicci . At first ,i did not believe him.but waited to see the ladies reaction ,i noticed he was busy telling them things about me and my food... all in Yoruba language.
According by Ileke he did not come to eat ,he only brought his ladies to meet with Chef Valicci . At first ,i did not believe him.but waited to see the ladies reaction ,i noticed he was busy telling them things about me and my food... all in Yoruba language.
The only thing i was able to pick from all he said was"ODE LO LIKE"
when i asked of the meaning, he said ''i should ask Olamide .
In the kitchen Chef Valicci is always on his toes,he never get distracted...he is in charge at all times.
As for IYAWO ILLE AND MAMA LEPOP,they were so submissive to ILEKE the man that brought them to the kitchen, they stood by him as if i was about to take them away from him.But God knows that i have no such plans, maybe the food did, but as for me , in the Kitchen, there is no hidden agenda,
Iyawo Ile and Mama lepop,were skeptical seeing all my cooking ingredients and utensil ,they whispered something to Ileke ,which i never bothered to know.
I did not find it difficult making their food ,as they mean to eat the same thing.
They wanted PASTA Dish , with Vegetable and fish..according to Mama Lepop she is a Pasta person.
They watched me make their food step by step...i had to beg Iyawo Ile to help me take off the fish bone from the fish and she was pleased to do so.
They wanted almost all kinds of vegetables present on that day but i made them understand that using all of it to make their food is not a problem,but that some of this Vegetable need to have a personal relationship with them,Veges like Cauliflower ,leak, Asparagus and co.
They did not get it at first, but when i asked question like " have u ladies eaten Asparagus before"? their answer was Asparagus ko... .Asparagus Ni!
chapter closed... i continued with the cooking....as the cooking was going on, i overhead Ileke telling them that the secret of his Young and Gallant looks is Chef Valicci's food and Daily exercise ,
what a wonderful combination , CHEF VALICCI +DAILY EXERCISE = HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.

After all said and done, i served the food as usual, to my greatest surprise....Iyawao Ile and Mama Lepop refused to touch the food,claiming that it is does not look tasty to the eyes .'' WOMEN AND THEIR EYES WEY DEM DE TAKE SEE PASS DEM SELVES .''
But to my surprised , from tasting.... they wipe the plate and insisted that i must tell them the name of the delicacy .
I shifted the naming Ceremony over to Ileke and he called the food "PASTA JAMBALAYA"
when i asked of the meaning, he said ''i should ask Olamide .
In the kitchen Chef Valicci is always on his toes,he never get distracted...he is in charge at all times.
As for IYAWO ILLE AND MAMA LEPOP,they were so submissive to ILEKE the man that brought them to the kitchen, they stood by him as if i was about to take them away from him.But God knows that i have no such plans, maybe the food did, but as for me , in the Kitchen, there is no hidden agenda,
Iyawo Ile and Mama lepop,were skeptical seeing all my cooking ingredients and utensil ,they whispered something to Ileke ,which i never bothered to know.
I did not find it difficult making their food ,as they mean to eat the same thing.
They wanted PASTA Dish , with Vegetable and fish..according to Mama Lepop she is a Pasta person.

They wanted almost all kinds of vegetables present on that day but i made them understand that using all of it to make their food is not a problem,but that some of this Vegetable need to have a personal relationship with them,Veges like Cauliflower ,leak, Asparagus and co.
They did not get it at first, but when i asked question like " have u ladies eaten Asparagus before"? their answer was Asparagus ko... .Asparagus Ni!
chapter closed... i continued with the cooking....as the cooking was going on, i overhead Ileke telling them that the secret of his Young and Gallant looks is Chef Valicci's food and Daily exercise ,
what a wonderful combination , CHEF VALICCI +DAILY EXERCISE = HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.

After all said and done, i served the food as usual, to my greatest surprise....Iyawao Ile and Mama Lepop refused to touch the food,claiming that it is does not look tasty to the eyes .'' WOMEN AND THEIR EYES WEY DEM DE TAKE SEE PASS DEM SELVES .''
But to my surprised , from tasting.... they wipe the plate and insisted that i must tell them the name of the delicacy .
I shifted the naming Ceremony over to Ileke and he called the food "PASTA JAMBALAYA"
Chef valicci am coming to kitchen for this pasta jambalaya.
ReplyDeletechef valicci u how do I get to visit your kitchen...